JJ Cale has been the first guitar player to mix Blues, Rock, Country, Jazz and Soul in his style.
And he did his so good that Eric Clapton changed hs form of playing totally after hearing him and Mark Knopfler developed his own peculiar style based on Cales way of playing.
I met Delaney Bramlett in 1990.
He called me to record some guitars in his studio on his ranch in Sunland, near Los Angeles. Afterwards we sat down on his porch and he disappeared for a moment and than came back with a Telecaster that was made completely of rosewood.
It was a present from George Harrison for a lesson he had given him on slide guitar playing.
I was completely overwhelmed: i had just recorded for a guy who had given guitar lessons to a Beatle!!
But that wasn´t enough: he told me that the guitar i had used for the recording was a present from Eric Clapton who after leaving Blind Faith had played in his band.
Before Eric, J.J. Cale played guitar with him.
Delaney played some of Cale´s songs to Clapton while he was producing his first solo album and Eric was so impressed that he not only did a version of “After Midnight” in this album (and later “Cocaine” on the “Slowhand” album), but changed his whole style of playing to the “laidback” form of playing that J.J. Cale was famous for and furthermore used his musicians on the record and the following tour.
I never felt closer to my idols than in those moments on the porch of “Delaney´s Rock&Roll Ranch” in Sunland, California.
When i heard that J.J. had passed away i remembered how much of an influence he has been on my playing and i decided to go back in time and play music in the tradition of this laidback elegant style that invented J.J.
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JJ Cale ha sido el primer guitarrista que mezclaba Blues, Rock, Country, Jazz y Soul en su estilo
Y esto con tanto éxito que hizo que Eric Clapton cambiaba su estilo al escucharlo y también Mark Knopfler desarrolló su peculiar estilo a base de la forma de tocar de Cale.
Conocí a Delaney Bramlett en 1990. Me llamo a grabar unas guitarras en el estudio de su rancho en las afueras de LA. Después de grabar nos sentamos en su porche y el desapareció por un momento y volvió con una telecaster completamente de palo santo. Era un regalo de George Harrison por haberle enseñado a tocar slide. Me quedaba helado: acabó de grabar para un hombre que había enseñado a un Beatle!! Pero no se quedó allí: Me contó que la guitarra con la que grabé el solo era un regalo de Eric Clapton quien después de separarse de Cream había tocado en su grupo.El anterior guitarrista de Delaney era J.J. Cale.
Delaney puso algunas de Cale´s canciones a Clapton cuando produjo su primer disco en solitario y Eric se quedó tan impresionado que no solo versionó “After Midnight” en su primer disco (y luego “Cocaine” en “Slowhand”), sino cambio todo su estilo de tocar a la manera “laidback” de J.J. Cale y utilizó sus músicos en su primer disco y en la siguiente gira.
Nunca me sentí mas cerca a mis ídolos que en los momentos en la terraza de “Delaney´s Rock&Roll Ranch” in Sunland, California.
Cuando escuché la noticia de su fallecimiento decidí rendir mi propio homenaje este gran compositor y guitarrista que no sólo ha influido a artistas como Eric Clapton y grupos como Dire Straits, sino que muchos de sus temas han sido también versionados desde Deep Purple y los Allman Brothers hasta Johnny Cash, The Band, Santana o John Mayer.
El repertorio consiste de versiones de sus éxitos, temas de otros artistas influidos por Cale como Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, John Mayer …y composiciones originales en el estilo laidback elegante que inventó J.J.
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